
*OTHERLAND is a reflection of my personal journey and exploration of my heritage and what it means to be home. In this exhibit, I incorporate traditional Punjabi script writing throughout my work. I use it as a tool to hold onto parts of my South Asian identity while grappling with my own points of view as an artist raised in the western world.

The exhibit features a series of mixed media pieces, incorporating acrylic paint and digital media, that combine traditional South Asian visuals with contemporary street art styles. My use of abstracted script and patterns invites the viewer to explore the nuances, complexities, and conflicts that are inherent when creating personal art drawn from a global perspective.

Through my work, I hope to spark conversations about what it means to be from the West, be a part of the West, and yet somehow still be an Other in the West. I encourage viewers to dive deeper into how their own stories add new texture to the fabric of our society and to contemplate how every motherland was crafted by people who came there seeking a home.


LunarFest, 2023


The Past is Calling