LunarFest, 2023

In 2023, Lantern City invited me to contribute to the theme of 'Youth,' for the lantern festival. I captured the essence of youth by illustrating the Kiklee dance, a traditional dance from Punjab, underneath the sun. This dance encapsulates the energy, optimism, and vibrancy associated with the theme.

The artwork serves as an example of cross-community pollination, acting as a bridge. It stands as a testament to the shared values, enriching the space it inhabits. By depicting the Kiklee dance, the artwork not only captures the essence of youth but also becomes an invitation for interaction. The artwork strategically guides viewers around the lantern, mirroring the subtle choreography of the dance itself. This intentional design invites viewers to explore and appreciate the intricacies of the work, creating a connection between the observer and the culture.


BOSA, 2024

